Safety & Environment

Here at Mudgee Dolomite & Lime, we are committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of all personnel and visitors to our sites.

We believe in identifying and managing hazards and risks in order to prevent injury or illness in the workplace.

We have high expectations of all personnel to abide by our policies and procedures to ensure the safety of themselves and others.

MDL endeavours to conduct our business in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.

We believe in minimising any environmental or social impact from our current or future activities through the use of integrated environmental management procedures and consideration of sustainable development in land use planning.

We follow strict Environmental guidelines in our operations such as blasting and extraction of rock products, as well as waste control and site recovery on completion of site use.  It is by total compliance of these guidelines that we can ensure continuous improvement and ultimately best practice community and environmental management.

Download Pollution Incidence Response Management Plans (PDF)

MDL Buckaroo Road, Mudgee
Lot 3 DP 619374, and Lots 102, 103, 110, 120 DP 755418